My name is Valence NTAKIRUTIMANA I am married and have two children. I came to Kigali from Gisenyi (Western province) as a street child aboard a military truck. When I arrived in Kigali, the capital city, I started using drugs of all kinds. I was beating my wife and fighting with other people because of being drunk. Because of that I was arrested and put in prison many times. One day I prayed to God that If may be released I will get saved. Three months after, I was released, went to church, and received Jesus Christ as my savior. My wife was happy that I was saved. When I got home, I desired to drink again and told my wife to give me money to buy some beer. She refused but afterwards she bought it for me. After drinking half of it, I started vomiting and told her to pour the rest of it down. Thereafter I came to know Shalom Ministries, they welcomed me and took care of my spiritual life. Now I live in peace with my wife and neighbors and have legalized my marriage. I have found peace in Jesus Christ; my purpose is to help other people get out of using drugs.
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